March 8 Workshop
Simple Living
This month at The Gathering Place we'll talk about ways to simplify your lifestyle. But first we'll explore the root of why we've fallen into a too-full / too-much / too-busy life (and what God would tell us about it).
From there we'll consider what it looks like to go back to the basics and give ourselves the permission to let some things go!
The Gathering Place is always supportive and encouraging, yet fun and light. If you feel overwhelmed by life, know you're not alone and there is hope. These workshops will lift you up, offer you direction and a like-minded community to stand with!
If things feel like too much... it's time to go back to the basics.
March 8 at 6:00pm
(Snow Date is March 15)
Located in Bobbie's home in Southern Lancaster County (actual address will be provided upon registration).