I’m Bobbie Dull, a Christian Lifestyle & Wellness Coach.
Proud mama of two amazing boys, one sweet little girl, and wife to an ambitious entrepreneur. My life is full... and it's busy... and it's loud... and it's all the things I imagine your life is too. It's also fun, beautiful, fulfilling, and joyful! (And it runs on chai lattes and prayer.)
But it wasn't always like this... at one time I became lost in the midst of it all. I became overwhelmed, stressed and completely depleted by the unrelenting demands of being a mom, wife, and small business owner. It was just too much! I felt like I knew how to swim, but the waves got so rough that I just stopped trying, and allowed the current to sweep me away. {Have you ever felt like that? Maybe you feel like that right now.} Read My Full Story of Surrender & Transformation here.
Then something shifted... I knew this was not how God intended for me (or anyone) to live. {John 10:10 I came that they may have life and live it abundantly.} I knew that after a year and a half of not only being called to slow down, but completely stop so many things in my life that God had been busy transforming my heart and mind. Inside I heard a growing whisper that I was made for more (and fyi - so are you) - more than the worldly demands and unnatural chaos in our lives, more than the constant stress and busyness that bears no fruit. I needed to figure out the best way to live as I stepped out slowly into my God-given purpose while doing all the truly important things.
I dug deep... starting with a prayer and some reflection. It was funny as I looked back I realized that God had not only given me everything that I needed, but He took me step by step through all of it, without it even being on my radar. He's so good. I had this concept of 4 Pillars and a Foundation of Faith that He'd given me amidst it all, and here I was actually living out each Pillar. It didn't take long to realize this was some amazing handiwork - that I don't believe is from me... I'm just the messenger.
Those 4 Pillars (Resting / Planning / Loving / Serving) had created a whole new way of life for me (and my family). And now I want to share them with you. God is the only One who can create true transformation. But I believe we need to both get out of His way and slow down to listen to embrace that transformation.
Even after a decade+ of being a Professional Organizer and years of being a coach, there's always room to grow... so my journey continues on. But, I am happy to say that the majority of the time my home runs efficiently, my family is happy, my business is blessed, and I’m in a joyful place where I can see and feel God’s blessings in my life every day. And even on the days when it feels like the wheels fell off and I just want to go back to bed, I still praise Him for his Grace and Patience and I know I'm still blessed! {Can I get an Amen?!}
THIS is why I am so passionate about helping others step away from the world's ways and be led... simplifying their lives and living intentionally into their purpose... so they can rid themselves of the exhaustion and overwhelm, and feel that same fulfillment and joy every dang day!
So I get you girl... I'm here for you... I believe in you... and in case no one's told you lately... you are amazing... you are worthy... and you got this!
Together, let's take the next step of your journey.
Proud mama of two amazing boys, one sweet little girl, and wife to an ambitious entrepreneur. My life is full... and it's busy... and it's loud... and it's all the things I imagine your life is too. It's also fun, beautiful, fulfilling, and joyful! (And it runs on chai lattes and prayer.)
But it wasn't always like this... at one time I became lost in the midst of it all. I became overwhelmed, stressed and completely depleted by the unrelenting demands of being a mom, wife, and small business owner. It was just too much! I felt like I knew how to swim, but the waves got so rough that I just stopped trying, and allowed the current to sweep me away. {Have you ever felt like that? Maybe you feel like that right now.} Read My Full Story of Surrender & Transformation here.
Then something shifted... I knew this was not how God intended for me (or anyone) to live. {John 10:10 I came that they may have life and live it abundantly.} I knew that after a year and a half of not only being called to slow down, but completely stop so many things in my life that God had been busy transforming my heart and mind. Inside I heard a growing whisper that I was made for more (and fyi - so are you) - more than the worldly demands and unnatural chaos in our lives, more than the constant stress and busyness that bears no fruit. I needed to figure out the best way to live as I stepped out slowly into my God-given purpose while doing all the truly important things.
I dug deep... starting with a prayer and some reflection. It was funny as I looked back I realized that God had not only given me everything that I needed, but He took me step by step through all of it, without it even being on my radar. He's so good. I had this concept of 4 Pillars and a Foundation of Faith that He'd given me amidst it all, and here I was actually living out each Pillar. It didn't take long to realize this was some amazing handiwork - that I don't believe is from me... I'm just the messenger.
Those 4 Pillars (Resting / Planning / Loving / Serving) had created a whole new way of life for me (and my family). And now I want to share them with you. God is the only One who can create true transformation. But I believe we need to both get out of His way and slow down to listen to embrace that transformation.
Even after a decade+ of being a Professional Organizer and years of being a coach, there's always room to grow... so my journey continues on. But, I am happy to say that the majority of the time my home runs efficiently, my family is happy, my business is blessed, and I’m in a joyful place where I can see and feel God’s blessings in my life every day. And even on the days when it feels like the wheels fell off and I just want to go back to bed, I still praise Him for his Grace and Patience and I know I'm still blessed! {Can I get an Amen?!}
THIS is why I am so passionate about helping others step away from the world's ways and be led... simplifying their lives and living intentionally into their purpose... so they can rid themselves of the exhaustion and overwhelm, and feel that same fulfillment and joy every dang day!
So I get you girl... I'm here for you... I believe in you... and in case no one's told you lately... you are amazing... you are worthy... and you got this!
Together, let's take the next step of your journey.